MVDC have received just one letter of objection to the Ermyn Way proposals. The closing date is soon, so write in now.  See Planning for ARA's letters.

Ashtead Residents' Association


Each week MVDC publishes planning applications that have been submitted across the district. You may comment on planning applications on the Mole Valley District Council web site using the reference number to search by. 

ARA also comments, where appropriate on planning applications. Click on the buttons below to read the Letters of Representation submitted to MVDC.

If you would like to be advised of any Planning Applications near you, register for My Account at Mole Valley. Once registered you can elect to receive notifications of Planning Applications in your vicinityVisit "My Account" if already registered, or if not visit the registration page, click "My Account" at the top right and Register.  You can then register to receive planning notifications, which you can set at 50m, 100m or 500m from your address. This service also allows you to receive email notification on which bin is being collected and to pay for your Garden Bin subscription.

UK-wide Planning Finder
Planningfinder is an online portal to planning applications across the United Kingdom, bringing together commercial and domestic planning applications from all.

Current Letters of Representation re the Ermyn Way Area

Current Letters of Representation

Local Plan formally adopted on 15th October 2024

The new Mole Valley Local Plan was adopted on 15 October 2024. It sets out a 15-year strategic vision, objectives and the spatial strategy as well as the planning policies and site allocations that will guide future development of the borough. The Plan looks ahead to 2039 and identifies where the main developments will take place, and how places within the district will change, or be protected from change, over that period. The main role of the Plan is to guide decision-making on individual planning applications.

The Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State on 14 February 2022 and examined by independent Inspectors. Examination in Public hearings took place during June, September and October 2022. The Inspectors’ final report on the Examination into the Mole Valley Local Plan was issued to the Council on 18 September 2024. The Inspectors’ Report concludes that, subject to the Main Modifications set out in the Appendix to the Report, the Mole Valley Local Plan 2023-2039 satisfies the requirements of Section 20(5) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and meets the criteria for soundness as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework. The Plan is therefore capable of adoption.

The Mole Valley Local Plan 2020-2039 incorporates all of the Main Modifications and Policy Map changes that the Inspector considered necessary to make the Plan sound. These were subject to public consultation between 1 March 2024 to 23 April 2024. A number of Additional Modifications were also included as necessary technical, factual, grammatical and typographical corrections that do not materially affect the policies in the Plan. Schedules setting out the Main Modifications and Additional Modifications are available at: Main Modifications & Council Note 35 Consultation – Future Mole Valley

ARA Guiding Principles

The Standing Committee’s guiding principles when considering planning applications are:

  • We review and comment only after a planning application appears on the MVDC running list.
  • We do not canvass residents’ opinions as this has the potential to involve us in disputes between neighbours.
  • We avoid placing ourselves in a position that requires conflict management or sets up an expectation that we will favour one resident's view against that of another. We leave those issues to the Case Officers and Councillors.
  • If residents have concerns they can raise them directly with us and we will take their views into account – but not necessarily follow their direction.
  • We comment solely on aspects covered by planning policy.

Built Up Areas Character Appraisal

Mole Valley District Council has conducted Built-Up Areas Character Appraisals for the five main built-up areas in Mole Valley: Ashtead, Bookham and Fetcham, Dorking and Leatherhead. 

Ashtead Neighbourhood Development Plan

Ashtead’s Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for the Ashtead Neighbourhood Area contains policies about housing, economy, environment and infrastructure issues. It builds on existing planning policies in Mole Valley and addresses issues of particular concern in Ashtead.  The NDP does not propose any alterations to the Green Belt.

A referendum on the Ashtead NDP was held within the Ashtead Neighbourhood Area on 4 May 2017. In response to the question "Do you want Mole Valley District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Ashtead to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?", 92% of those voting voted "yes". 

The NDP was adopted by Mole Valley Council on 23 May 2017.  It forms part of the Development Plan for Mole Valley and its policies will be used when considering planning applications submitted in the Ashtead Neighbourhood Area. 

The Ashtead Neighbourhood Area covers the three District Council Wards of Ashtead Common, Ashtead Park and Ashtead Village.


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