MVDC have received just one letter of objection to the Ermyn Way proposals. The closing date is soon, so write in now.  See Planning for ARA's letters.

Ashtead Residents' Association


Ermyn Way - Urgent Planning News - Update

Ermyn Way

See the detailed Letter of Representation written by the Residents' Association in respect of this Application.

We would like to remind residents of Ashtead that the recently adopted Mole Valley Local Plan 2020-2039 allocated 4 sites in Ashtead for potential residential development. These form part of the MVDC wide strategy for achieving the overall MVDC housing targets. Two of these sites are located on land adjacent to Ermyn Way and if developed these plots will provide in the order of 410 new dwellings, and up to 6 Gypsy/Traveller pitches.

The two Ermyn Way sites are shown together above to give readers a better perspective of the total area of the land included in the MVDC Local Plan.

A planning application For Plot DS1 (MO/2025/0033) has now been received by Mole Valley District Council for the development of land South of Ermyn Way. The application that has been submitted is for up to 270 dwellings, a community building and three Travellers pitches.

This outline planning application particularly concerns the access via Ermyn Way, but it will set the parameters for a more detailed application that will most likely follow in the coming months.

The planning application documentation may be viewed at the MVDC Offices, Dorking, or on the MVDC Website which can be accessed via this link and also at Ashtead Library. If you do use the web link you will need to just enter the planning application reference MO/2025/0033, scroll down and click on search, this will open the file where all the documentation may be accessed.

The ARA will be preparing a letter of representation considering the application in context with National and Local Planning regulations and will submit this letter nearer to the deadline.

As this site has been included in the MVDC Local Plan we will need to consider the impact this may have on Ashtead, both positive and negative. In order to mitigate the impacts of the development, observations made by residents will increase the potential for your views taken into consideration when the MVDC planning officers determine this application. This will enable Ashtead to achieve the best possible outcome for existing residents and our new neighbours.

If as a resident of Ashtead you wish your views to be considered we would urge you to make your own formal written representations to MVDC. All comments must be made by letter and have to be submitted to MVDC Planning department by the deadline of 20th February 2025.

As with all work undertaken by the ARA our ultimate ambition is to provide constructive comment on key issues affecting Ashtead, it would therefore be helpful for us to review letters submitted to the planning website before we complete our own letter.

ARA Planning

ARA Committee


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