Planning will be moving to the Members Area, so do please renew or join via Membership if you have not already done so

Ashtead Residents' Association

Weekly Email Update Service

Active in Ashtead (AinA)

Active in Ashtead (AinA) is an informal free email system for people to get information that may be of help - like bits from the Police, Surrey County Council, Mole Valley District Council and local groups. It's not instead of Neighbourhood Watch but a useful adjunct.

Messages are sent out, on a 'best endeavours' basis, BCC and details of those who subscribe are not divulged. If you would like to join, please let us know and we'll add you to the list, but note that should you change your email address, you won't be chased.

Messages are normally sent out as "Omnibus" editions on a Friday, supplemented with important ones going out ad hoc, as and when required during the week.

To join just complete the details below, tick the box and click on the Send button.  Your email address is kept entirely confidential; your details go directly to Larry Unthank, who runs Active in Ashtead, and the Residents' Association does not have access to it. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the email link at the bottom of the weekly email and your address will be deleted.

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