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Spring Clean 2024

2024 - 71 bags of litter collected around the village. in one hour!

2024 - 71 bags of litter collected around the village. in one hour!

​20th Annual Spring Clean - 23rd March 2024

Last year the ARA Annual Spring Clean event was very successful. This year, blessed by sunny, but cold, weather 71 bags were collected together with a car battery, gas cannisters and an old chair! We are very grateful to the many residents and members of Ashtead Rotary who volunteered, giving up one hour of their time.

We collected 71 bags of rubbish which was less than previous years, so perhaps the message is getting through, or perhaps it is the dedicated group of all-year-round volunteers who collect litter keeping it under control.

There were 7 assembly points as follows and with the exception of the APMH, volunteers met at 10am, or just before,  and worked for just one hour:- 

Ashtead Station Car Park

Outside the Football Club, near Ashtead Pond

Outside Greville School

On the Corner of Barnet Wood Lane and West Farm Avenue

Outside St Andrews School

On the Corner of Craddock's Avenue and the A24

The 7th meeting place was the APMH where the start time here was 10.20 for a later start of 10.30am.

Litter pickers and HiViz jackets were supplied. This year thanks to a generous donation by Titan Eco we have been able to buy more child-sized equipment so they can help too. In fact we had five keen Brownies plus Mums and Dads - and Brown Owl (or as my own daughter once said after she had joined the local Brownie Pack - "The lady in charge was called Brown Ale!")

Those not wanting to join a group were encouraged to litter pick their own streets and clean their road signs.

We are very grateful for the assistance of Clive & Di Stirling, and Victoria Russell from the City of London Ashtead Common Estate office for their help in collecting the bags of litter from around Ashtead and delivering them to the APMH Car Park.

Finally thank you to Lynda Coburn for organising the event so well, and for lining up such lovely weather. It only started sleeting and raining when we had all met up afterwards in The Brewery Inn. And that reminds me to also thank the Manager and Staff at the Brewery Inn for their generous supply of tea and coffee plus plates of cakes and jam tarts.

Feeling sorry that you missed joining in and being part of the community keeping Ashtead beautiful? Then why not join us next year when we do it all again, it really does give you a buzz, and you will be warmly welcomed.

Lynda Coburn - Spring clean Co-ordinator


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