Planning will be moving to the Members Area, so do please renew or join via Membership if you have not already done so

Ashtead Residents' Association

SouthWest Trains Timetables

To view up to date Timetable informationm visit this link.

Southern Railway Timetable

To view up to date Timetable informationm visit this link

Rail industry introduces new Passenger Assist Mobile App.

This week, the rail industry has introduced a new Passenger Assistance mobile phone application to support customers who require assistance when travelling by train. The app means customers can choose to request assistance via their smartphone nationwide.

The app, which has been developed by the Rail Delivery Group and UK technology company Transreport, will provide an additional option for customers but will not replace South West Trains and Southern Railway’s existing support for assistance requests via phone/textphone, online or email. Go to App Store to download details.
The app enables customers to:
• Make a request for assistance for their rail journey
• Manage their personal details – including a record of the type of assistance required
• View their travel history
• Browse rail journeys via the online journey planner.

For more information on all Rail companies Passenger Assist please click here


Ashtead Station is run by Southern Railway (the brand name used by Govia Thameslink Railway Network).  Both Southern and South Western Railways operate trains through Ashtead to and from London Victoria, London Bridge and London Waterloo. Going southbound there are trains to Dorking, Horsham and Guildford.  Network Rail runs the railway infrastructure.

Operator Websites

Southern Railway

South Western Railway

National Rail Enquiries

Live Travel Information

Live travel information is available on the following links, and further ticket and travel information is available on the web sites for Southern Railway and South Western Railway.

Ashtead to London

Ashtead to Horsham

Ashtead to Guildford

Apps for both train companies for ticket purchases and up to the minute journey information are available to download from:


South Western Railway 

You can also check your journey using the National Rail Enquiries real-time Journey Planner.


Trainline is Europe’s leading train and coach app. They work with 207 rail and coach companies to offer customers travel to thousands of destinations in and across 44 countries in Europe. For more details go to:-

The Trainline

Split Ticketing Options

If making a long journey cross-country you might want to try one of the "split ticketing" web sites to see if you can make a saving. On some journeys a considerable saving can be made and despite buying several tickets you can usually remain on the same train and even in the same seat. Go to or or There are other sites springing up.

Other useful and comprehensive sites for journeys in the UK, Ireland and abroad are and


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