Police & Crime Reduction Advice
Updates from Surrey Police
Who Do You call?
In an Emergency you should phone 999 and ask for the police.
A police emergency is defined as incidents where:
Someone's life is in danger.
Someone is at risk of violence, or property is about to be damaged.
A serious offence is in progress.
A suspect is at the scene or an early arrest is likely.
Serious disruption to the public is likely.
Very serious crime (e.g. Rape, GBH).
For non-emergency policing matters and to report a crime: phone 101 or report online via www.surrey.police.uk/contact-us. If you have a phone package that allows free geographical calls, you might prefer to use: 01483-571212.
North Team: Ashtead, Bookham’s, Leatherhead, Fetcham.
Sergeant Eddie Adderley, Edward.Adderley@surrey.police.uk
PC 41539 Ewan Keen, Ewan.Kenn@surrey.police.uk
PC 42077 Zoe Helm, Zoe.Helm@surrey.police.uk
PC 42394 Ollie Storey Oliver.Storey@surrey.police.uk
PC 41783 Ellen Francis, Ellen.Francis@surrey.police.uk
PCSO 11443 Marion Hawkins, Marion. Hawkins@surrey.police.uk
PCSO 12874 Pauline Daly, Pauline.Daly@surrey.police.uk
PCSO 13930 Lou Lilly, Lou.Lilly@surrey.police.uk
Police Surgeries
Police Surgeries are held on the last Tuesday of each month, 10.00-11.00hrs, at St George’s Church, Barnett Wood Lane and will be attended by PCSO Pauline Daly, provided that her shift pattern allows.
Follow Surrey Police on Facebook and at www.twitter.com/surreypolice
Mole Valley Crime Reduction Advisor:
Neil Clarke, 13363 - Crime Reduction Advisor - Eastern Division PO Box 101, Guildford, Surrey GU1 9PE
To contact Neil Clarke direct, please call: Tel: 101 Extension 30809 or 01483 630809 / 07467 3367783 or email: Neil.Clarke@surrey.police.uk
Help for Victims of Domestic Abuse
East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services
Call: 01737-771350 – Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm
or Surrey Helpline: 01483-776822 – 9am – 9pm
Phone 999 in an emergency
Victim Support - Help for Witnesses
Our Witness Service operates in every criminal court. Please contact our victim care team to help direct you to the Witness Service office you need on 0845 38 99 528.
Find out more about the help you can get as a witness.
About us
Maralyn Smith is responsible for the local services for victims and witnesses of crime in Surrey.
To discuss commissioning Victim Support, or other administrative issues, call Maralyn on 01483 630292 or write to her at Victim Support, Woking Police Station, Station Approach, Woking, Surrey GU22 7SY.
Please note: this is not a general number for victims and witnesses – if you need help please call the local victim care unit on 0808 168 9274.