Membership benefit improvements for 2025 are on their way – please watch this space!

Ashtead Residents' Association

Who are your Councillors?

Visit the Mole Valley Council Web site for details of the present 6 Ashtead Councillors.

Who are your Councillors - Mole Valley District Council

Mole Valley Together is about everyone playing their part, in whatever way they can, to make the most of our beautiful place. It could be by supporting local businesses, by getting involved in local community groups, or by strengthening relationships with others. Most importantly, it is about celebrating everything that Mole Valley has to offer.

Mole Valley Joint Enforcement Team (JET)

Mole Valley Joint Enforcement Team (JET) is available for reporting abandoned vehicles, fly posting, fly-tipping and graffiti and Anti-Social Behaviour


Tel: 01306-885001

follow the JET on Facebook.

Transform Leatherhead

In early 2015, Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) launched a project to transform Leatherhead employed a master planning company Nexus/Broadway Malyan to create a master plan for a regenerated town centre.

MVDC is now, in partnership with Coast2Capital, Surrey County Council, The Environment Agency and a number of other partners, working to transform Leatherhead into a modern market town where people of all ages can shop, eat, relax and have fun by the riverside.
MVDC holds public engagement events to present updates on the progress of the project and everyone can ask questions of the project team. 

Mole Valley Life

Mole Valley Life is part of Mole Valley District Council.  It promotes independence and dignity offering solutions to people who may require assistance in their everyday lives. With a variety of in-house services including transport, social centres and our Technology Enabled Care (TEC) services we have a friendly, dedicated and professional support team with access to the very latest in home based and roaming solutions.

Mole Valley Life works closely with Health and Social Care providers along with partners in the voluntary and charity sectors to ensure that there are clear referral pathways, so that all residents can find the right individual tailored solutions.

Mole Valley Life runs community transport services which are suitable for residents in Mole Valley who are unable to use public transport. They will be picked up from their home and transported around Mole Valley in our comfortable buses. The service operates on a first come, first served basis and runs daily. 

Fairfield Centre

The Centre is located above the Swan Centre and can be accessed from there or else off Leret Way, Leatherhead, KT22 8AH.  Under normal circumstances is open Monday–Friday, 10am – 4pm and is run by a friendly team who will make you feel welcome and show you around.

A ‘home cooked’ two course lunch is served everyday between 12 – 1pm in the dining room & snacks and drinks are available in the café from 10am to 3pm.

Membership runs to 31st March each year but you do not need to be a member for your first visit. 

Call the Centre for details of membership rates.
For more information about the centre:
Call: 01372-376058
SMS text: 07771-576411 or come and visit the Centre.

Adjacent and attached to the Centre is The Conservatory Club, a charity operated by Mid Surrey Care Trust for people with memory difficulties or in the early stages of living with dementia.  Mid Surrey Dementia Care


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