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The London Green Belt Council &
CPRE, the countryside charity

We've added our voice to the London Green Belt Council

Ashtead has areas of Green Belt on its borders and this green area is under more threat than ever before. Before it was removed from the Draft Local Plan the fields either side of the M25 in Barnett Wood Lane were threatened with the prospect of over a hundred houses being built there and the Allotments being bult over. Thankfully pressure from Ashtead's Councillors and the Residents' Association saw this area removed from the Local Plan - for the moment.

However listen to the comments from some politicians who are saying "builders not blockers" and the Green Belt established to stop urban sprawl, is under threat.

For this reason the Residents' Association has decided to add its voice to the many Residents' Associations, Conservation Societies and Parish Councils and fight to prevent the loss of the Green Belt.

For more information on the London Green Belt Council visit this site

CPRE, the countryside charity

In conjunction with the London Green Belt Council, the Residents' Association has also joined with the CPRE, the countryside charity, whose vision is to stand for a countryside that enriches all of our lives, regenerating our wellbeing, and that we in turn regenerate, protect and celebrate. The CPRE believes in countryside and green spaces that are accessible to all, rich in nature and playing a crucial role in responding to the climate emergency.

We believe the two organisations are complementary and by joining them we hope it will help in the fight to protect our green belt and the open spaces around Ashtead.


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