Planning will be moving to the Members Area, so do please renew or join via Membership if you have not already done so

Ashtead Residents' Association

Local Bus Services

Bus 408

Operated by Falcon Buses running between Epsom and Cobham (including Sainsburys Cobham and Tesco Leatherhead).  View timetable.

Bus 479

Surrey County Council has published the full timetable for the 479 route through Leatherhead Ashtead Fetcham and Bookham.
Falcon Buses have a timetable app for Apple and Android smart phones. The app can be downloaded in the Apple and Google app stores.  Search for Falcon Buses in the stores.

Bus H1

Operated "In House" by the Hospitals running between Epsom, Sutton and St Helier Hospitals from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) from around 6.25am until 7.50pm.

Bus 21

Operates from Crawley, Charlwood, Newdigate, Dorking, Boxhill, Leatherhead, Ashtead through to Epsom. View timetable.

Surrey Connect on demand bus service

Visit this site for details and how to register.


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