Kent Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance service (AAKSS)
With immediate effect the Kent Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance service (AAKSS) will provide emergency paramedic coverage to the area north of the railway line in Ashtead. This area with over 500 homes can become isolated when the barriers at the Ashtead station level crossing fail possibly denying any access to the emergency services including ambulances. Last year, during a planned closure of the Level Crossing, an incident occurred when the South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAMB) was called to a suspected heart attack patient only to be denied access over the level crossing as the Contractors had not been advised of an imminent ambulance arrival. The railway lines, sleepers and aggregate had been removed and the steel plates had not been positioned to bridge the void. It took 45 minutes to get the temporary plates in place over the void and the ambulance vehicle to the patient, though in the meantime the Network Rail minibus did ferry the paramedics to the patient’s property. Fortunately, the patient made a good recovery at home. AAKSS will be carrying out ground surveys to identify potential landing sites and touch down areas in the Ashtead Common area.
As a first stand-by in the case of any future emergency, when the level crossing barriers are out of action, arrangements are being made for SECAMB to coordinate with the City of London's Ashtead Common Rangers to enter the Common at the Wells in Epsom. The ambulance will then be guided by the Duty Ranger across the Common to the Woodfield exit to the north of Ashtead station from where the ambulance will proceed by road to the call-out address. If this system cannot be used or fails for any reason SECAMB will call on the services of the Kent Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance based at Redhill. Surrey Fire and Rescue Service is investigating the availability of a 4 x 4 multi role vehicle to get firefighters to the scene of any incident by the same route.
Long-term ARA, and former Committee Member, David Baker has been chairing a local committee on railway and level crossing issues. working with Ashtead Councillors, ARA Committee Members, representatives from SECAMB, Surrey Police, Surrey Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), City of London Corporation officers and Rangers, Network Rail and latterly our Member of Parliament to identify possible solutions to what has been, and remains, a long standing and significant concern in the Ashtead Common area.
David said, "Whilst established procedures are in place to cater for Planned Engineering works, it has been the unplanned closures caused by mechanical barrier failures that have been causing concern to so many. These, now infrequent, closures can cause huge distress for residents trapped on the north side of the crossing and we remain keen to get all parties together to formulate a comprehensive plan to deal with all situations. Good progress has been made with SECAMB, the Air Ambulance Service and it is hoped to progress SFRS's plans too but we need to press on to ensure that all agencies work together to minimise disruption to residents.”
Work continues in relation to other difficulties caused by the main railway line, and its amenities, dissecting Ashtead with only the single vehicle crossing and several hazardous pedestrian crossings.
SFRS have offered to put on an education session in the vicinity of Ashtead Station for residents on safety measures in the home to avoid major incidents and this is being investigated by the ARA.
This will be in addition to any likely display by our Fire and Rescue Service at Ashtead Village Day on 14th June.
Further updates will be issued on these subjects.
If, by way of thanks, you feel you should make a donation to the Air Ambulance Service, you can make a "Give once" or a regular gift by visiting