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Ashtead Residents' Association


Engagement Period For the Regeneration of Bull Hill and the Swan Centre Has Now Opened

Following the Leret Partnership’s update at the Transform Leatherhead Forum on plans for the regeneration of Bull Hill and the Swan Centre, the second stage of public engagement is now open for feedback. Please find more details below on how to get involved.

The Leret Partnership – a joint venture between Kier Property and Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) – would like to hear your feedback on the updated proposals for the regeneration of the Swan Centre and Bull Hill in Leatherhead.   

The project team has refined the proposals to reflect community input since the last consultation period. This includes an increase in public green space, and the rearrangement of buildings on Bull Hill to better suit the town centre.

The Leret Partnership aims to deliver a transformative regeneration programme of the Swan Centre and Bull Hill. Key elements of the proposals include new homes, commercial and community spaces, improved public realm and enhanced connectivity around Leatherhead town centre. 

Detailed information about the proposals and a summary of the previous consultation can be found on the project website at

The engagement period will be ending at 23.59 on Monday 24 March and will include two in-person events and one online webinar, offering opportunities to learn more about the updated proposals, meet the project team, and ask questions. 

Events Schedule:

Monday 10 March - 7pm to 8pm - Online event on zoom – click here to register

Thursday 13 March - 2pm to 8pm - The Swan Centre (Unit 3, formerly Clinton Cards), Leatherhead KT22 8AH.

Saturday 15 March - 10am to 4pm - The Swan Centre (Unit 3, formerly Clinton Cards), Leatherhead KT22 8AH.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to participate and share their thoughts. The project team will then review any comments before finalising the scheme and submitting a planning application. 


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