We are sure many of Ashtead residents are aware of a current planning application that is currently under consideration by Mole Valley District Council planners.
This proposal according to the submission documents seeks to change the status of the land from Green Belt to allow a temporary use as 98MW of Battery Storage for a temporary period of 40 years.
Whilst the applicant says this is a temporary use for a period of 40 years after which they will return the land to agricultural use, it is the opinion of the ARA that in reality this reversion is very unlikely to ever happen.
In our opinion this area of Green Belt land is more likely to be redesignated as brownfield land leaving it open for redevelopment in the future.
We have set out below the other matters that we believe to be relevant and after consideration have led us to our conclusion to formalise our objection to this proposal.
See the detailed Letter of Representation submitted by the Residents' Association.
The Proposal
The work involves the construction of not only the Battery storage compound with a perimeter security fence and a new access road, but also the excavation of a trench to lay a cable connection all the way to Chessington Sub Station at Malden Rushett.
The description of the equipment included in the planning application documents makes interesting reading.
“The battery storage units and associated inverters would be housed within shipping containers or similar, within a defined battery storage area. The units will have the appearance of a standard shipping container in keeping with many yard and open storage areas in the other local industrial and commercial developments in the open countryside and of course the neighbouring substation distribution site”.
From a purely aesthetic perspective the very wording the applicant uses makes this sound very unattractive in a particularly sensitive location on the very green edge of Ashtead. We would be looking at shipping containers for 40 years, and it seems irrelevant that these may be acceptable in other local industrial locations. This is not an industrial location.
The applicants document continues with;
“The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has been closely studying battery safety for a number of years, using its bespoke battery testing facility to help customers understand how best to manage the risk faced by many industry sectors during battery manufacture, storage, transport and use. As such, prior to the implementation of the battery energy storage units, a detailed Battery Safety Management Plan (BSMP) and Fire Risk Strategy will be submitted to, and approved by the relevant stakeholders, following consultation with the HSE and the local fire and rescue service, to ensure safety risks are understood, accounted for, and mitigated as far as possible”.
In their own words the applicant raises issues regarding battery safety and in doing so recognises the risks that this type of installation brings with it. There are many examples in the public domain of similar equipment where accidents have caused fires, which have also led to pollution.
This land has been recognised as particularly important for local ecology and environment and given it’s location next to Ashtead Common Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and the Rye Brook Meadows SCNI (Site of Nature Conservation Interest), the risk of harm resulting from the construction and operation could be catastrophic.
The impact on the ecology in the area of the site is also reported and explained in the applicants Preliminary Ecological Appraisal report submitted with the application. This confirms that many different species are likely to inhabit the area.
Noise nuisance is also a consideration which will be noticeable all day and night as the equipment is in permanent operation.
The ARA is aware of the need to create robust energy networks however in this location we believe the impact outweigh the benefits of permitting a “short term” battery back up in this location.
There have been a number of BESS applications in recent times.
In the 2019 dismissal of the appeal against the refusal of the Fair Oak Lane BESS proposal the conclusion noted: "The permission is now stated to be required for 27 years” it went on to say “…, 27 years is a long time for the harm to persist”
In addition to the two further BESS proposals at Malden Rushett, both refused, one dismissed on appeal and the other in appeal, there has been a third under local consultation. This is one for a 240Mw BESS just across the Chessington Road from the World of Adventures.
Perhaps Chessington World of Adventures and its ongoing expansion is the common focus requiring the power network to be reinforced. If this were the case or even just a contributory factor it then seems ironic that planning applications in the near vicinity of the Chessington sub-station have been refused and we are now the fall-back location.
It is also worth considering that the new Mole Valley Local Plan 2020-2039 DOES NOT include this site as a potential development site but it DOES include Green Belt land on the South side of Ashtead at Ermyn Way and the former Exxon HQ which if developed will substantially reduce the Green Belt and separation between Ashtead and Leatherhead.
· Long term loss of Green Belt land and loss of continuity of green space between Ashtead and Leatherhead.
· Impact on the character of the local landscape.
· Risk of pollution and damage to the Rye Wetlands and the SSSI in the immediate area.
· Harm to; wildlife, birds, Hedgehogs and potential protected species such as Great Crested Newts and bats.
· Noise and air pollution affecting local residents.
· Fire risk as highlighted within the applicant’s documentation.
· Misery on Leatherhead Road during excavation of the new cable trench.
· Short term power back up for 40 years.
Current Situation
We believe the application is due to go to planning committee in or around May 2025.
Until last week approximately 75 letters of representation have been submitted to MVDC objecting to the development.
In the past week approximately 43 letters of support have been lodged by residents from across Mole Valley and further afield including Ashford, Ashtead, Brockham, Dorking, Fetcham, Leatherhead, one letter has even been issued from an address in Mountain View California USA!
These letters are all duplicates and exact copy of a standard letter with the senders addresses having been added by hand.
If you have not already written to Mole Valley Planners with your own views on how you feel this development may impact on Ashtead, please take a moment to do so unless you are happy for the opinions of people from way beyond Ashtead to influence the decision on the precious green space that currently separates Ashtead from Leatherhead.
The planning application documentation may be viewed at the MVDC Offices, Dorking, or on the MVDC Website which can be accessed via this link https://planning.agileapplications.co.uk/mole/search-applications/
If you do use the web link you will need to just enter the planning application reference MO/2024/1544, scroll down and click on search, this will open the file where all the documentation may be accessed.
To submit a letter of representation please enter the web site and search for the application. There is a banner at the top of the page, select this and a form will open that allows you to attach your letter.