Membership benefit improvements for 2025 are on their way – please watch this space!

Ashtead Residents' Association


Rail Crossing to Link Road Footpath resurfaced

Community Infrastructure Levy money used to good effect

In August 2023 the Residents' Association started a campaign to improve the Town Path from Links Road to the "Green Lane" pedestrian rail crossing. An application was made by the ARA for CIL funding to Mole Valley Council.  Supported by MVDC Councillors David Hawksworth and Pat Wiltshire the application for £35,000 was successful.

Rather than deal with the numerous bureaucratic hurdles themselves, the ARA passed the project over to Surrey County Council Highways. As with many areas "Highways" it took a long time to come to fruition as permission (costing £5,000!) from Network Rail was required amongst other things, and other projects of a more "emergency" nature pushed the work down the priorities list.

The work has now been carried out and we have a raised flat pathway that should cope much better with heavy rainfall preventing the impassable pooling we saw before. Why not wider? It's a legal requirement to deter cycling on a pedestrian route.


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