MVDC have received just one letter of objection to the Ermyn Way proposals. The closing date is soon, so write in now.  See Planning for ARA's letters.

Ashtead Residents' Association


Green Lane Crossing - Update February 2025

What now you ask?

At the Local Committee back in 2021 Councillors agreed that the Definitive Statement should be changed to match the Definitive Map so that it showed the Crossing as a Public Right of Way. It has been so for decades going back to even before the railway was built in the 19th Century. Good news I hear you say.

Yes it was, but despite that ruling the decision still had to be put out to public consultation where everyone and anyone had the right to object to the decision. We then heard that there was one objection from Network Rail. The Council cannot confirm the Order itself and now the Secretary of State must become involved.

We now understand that the comprehensive papers are about to be sent off. We have been assured that every document is being sent which we expect to include all the papers and maps submitted by the Residents' Association and local residents. We must now wait for the decision, or perhaps a Hearing when once again residents and the ARA will be represented.

Fingers crossed!


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