Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) - Urgent Planning News. See Blog item for action needed.

Ashtead Residents' Association

Can You Help? Road Stewards Needed

We are hoping to recruit a Road Steward for each of the following roads/parts of roads to help with delivery of our newsletter and to provide a link for residents to the ARA Committee.   We can always split roads into smaller sections if that works better for you. 

Please read the Road Steward’s Guidance for more information about what is involved.

If you are able to help, please contact our Membership Secretary, Tony Mansell, using the form below or call on 01372 877438

Alexander Godley Close
Aquila Close
Barnett Wood Lane - any part except by the pond**
Beauclaire Close
Berry Meade and Close**
Birch Court **
Bramley Grove **
Bramley Way (20 upwards)
Brancaster Grove
Brookers Close
Chaffers Mead 1-36 .**
Craddocks Ave 2-48 and 1-49, and 97-191**
Cunliffe, Dawson & Westmead Courts
Dene Road **
Duckworth Drive
Elliston Way**
Ermyn Close

Ermyn Way
Floral Court**
Gate Cottages
Gaywood Rd
Gollin Court**
Grange Close
Green Lane (Ermyn Way)
Greville Close & Court
Greville Park Road
Griffin Court
Headley Lodge
Heathfield Close
Howard Close
Kingfisher Close
Links Road - the far end
Marguerite Court**
Mulberry Way**
Oakhill Road - the middle**
Ottways Lane (higher nos.) **
Ottways Lane East

Park Lane South
Purcell’s Close
Quarry Close
Quarry Gardens
Read Road
Rutland Close
South View Road
Stag Leys 28-44, 80-90
Stonnycroft & Old Stede Cl.**
The Cedars
The Ridings**
The Street
The Warren**
Warren Court
Whitefriars Close**
Wishford Court**
Woodfield Close
** These roads have members but no Road Steward.

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